Mansur's Home for Projects and Experiments

Physical Security Devices

Years ago, before computer era, when trying to protect information in secret, it was necessary to use some physical devices. Like: storing documents behind padlocks, creating tools like cipher disk to transmit data securely, or even using Enigma machines. Nowadays, when talking about information security, we usually think about cryptography and different algorithms. It is a lot of math running as computer programs. So everything looks like just a sequence of bits to encrypt, decrypt, authenticate…...

LED Garland

Started diving into circuit design recently, mainly using Arduino. But noticed that for some functions, it’s not even necessary to have microcontroller. Simple components - like resistors, capacitors and transistors - can also create dynamic effects. For example, garland with blinking LEDs can be made using so called multivibrator circuit. After soldering, it could be hanged on a Christmas tree :) Happy New Year!...

Limited Resources

I’ve been using the minimal virtual instance in DigitalOcean for quite long time. Since the beginning (5 years already?) it had 1 CPU, 1GB memory and only 25GB SSD drive. All existing services are located on that smallest instance. There’re few of them: 1 Wordpress and 2 static sites Git repository Monitoring system CI system Tor node Several pet projects deployed Several instances of databases for all stuff above Using such restricted hardware forces to think very carefully about resources available....

Monitoring Everything

Collecting and analyzing metrics is very important for production services. And it is also very interesting. The ability to visualize metrics and do monitoring over time can give lots of understanding about the process. Will it be system metrics (like Load Average, CPU, memory and disk usage) or health metrics (like heartbeats or child growth speed). Demo of this site’s metrics located here

Tor Onion Services

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. whoops, in my alma mater actually, I did a research about Tor network and the possibility to trace Tor users and deanonymize them. That was a very interesting investigation to look at public information about the network and correlate input and output of the network. Since that time Tor protocol evolved and many changes done on the software.. So it’s not much relevant any more....

IDN Domain

This site ( has a mirror - (мансур.москва). It is IDN (International Domain Name) with Cyrillic letters. Under the hood this cyrillic name translated to (xn–80axemem.xn–80adxhks). I’ve registered it in purpose to see how mail routing works with non-latin domain. While initial testing done several years ago (during working at KL), there’s still a plan to maintain this domain just for fun....

Nested Pie Charts

Nested Pie Charts - small code snippet to create nested pie charts. It works on top of pandas dataframe. Data visualized using matplotlib....


I’ve started my career with Qulity Assurance, Testing and Automation. is my project to provide commercial service on that. Don’t hesitate to apply and get best quality solution! :)...

Static Site Generator

This site ( is a static web site: Written in markdown Hosted on Github Statically generated by Hugo Uses slightly modified Hestia Pure theme Delivered using Ansible Having site built by static site generator have several advantages: Easy versioning (everything is in Git) Fast generation (22ms for now!) ...